Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Super ultra cool Link or whatever

Super ultra cool Link or whatever


Joss Whedon’s Avengers commentary

Joss Whedon’s Avengers commentary

These guys don’t mess around

These guys don’t mess around


Man Allegedly Charges $9,000 in Virtual Money to His Company, Ends Up Arrested

Man Allegedly Charges $9,000 in Virtual Money to His Company, Ends Up Arrested:

Chinese man uses his companies phone system to steal thousands of dollars in video game currency, like a boss.

transcendmatter: “All right, that was a cheap joke, okay. I...


“All right, that was a cheap joke, okay. I admit it, and I’m going to do it again like 4 times in the movie, and I’m just going to apologize up front. I like knocking Norse people out of frame. It makes me laugh. And I like things that make me laugh” -Joss Whedon on the commentary for The Avengers


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

TINY BALLS! Nerds Do Vegas.

TINY BALLS! Nerds Do Vegas.



It just seems so logical

It just seems so logical

I expected this to become less coherent by the end

I expected this to become less coherent by the end

“One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump...

“One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump...:

Obama is being chastised for reacting too quickly by the head of FEMA. So that’s something, I guess.

I find this mesmerizing

I find this mesmerizing

I can do that

I can do that

collegehumor: Possibly the Worst Name of All Time Mr. and Mrs....


Possibly the Worst Name of All Time

Mr. and Mrs. Shitler should be ashamed.

justsuckmyduck: Are we just gonna ignore how Zooey Deschanel...


Are we just gonna ignore how Zooey Deschanel aged 50 years in that second gif or what